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Our Values are Respect, being On To It, Courage and Kindness - These make up ...

Glen Massey ROCKs


Welcome to Glen Massey School

Glen Massey is a Grade U3 Decile 5 five classroom school in a village setting situated 9 kilometers from Ngaruawahia. The roll tends to fluctuate around the 100- 105 children mark from about 70 families, 60% of whom are identified as European and 40% as Maori.
There are six teachers, including a deputy principal and principal. In addition there is a part time teacher for students with special needs and abilities. There is a Reading Recovery programme and two teacher aides to support special needs students. A school secretary manages the school office each day, with a cleaner keeping the rooms neat and tidy.

The main building complex has 2 classrooms, office/administration areas, staffroom, toilets, sickbay and storage rooms. In 1993 the Board of Trustees built a fourth classroom which in 2008 was turned into our new school library.   During 1997 a new classroom , was built at the back of the school. A resource room was moved onto the site in early 2003. The new administration area was completed in 2005 and in 2008 the new library was created along with a multi-purpose e-learning room. 2011 sees an additional classroom added to the rear of the library.
There is a hall on the site which is also used for After School Care, two outside storage sheds, an adventure playground, tennis court and a swimming pool, as well as a large playing field. The local play group has a designated area beside the hall for their use. The school grounds are landscaped with attractive trees and shrubs.

What's happening at Glen Massey School?

Upcoming Events in February

Fri 21

Beach Ed Day - Waihi

21 Feb 2025

Latest Notices

Launching Our New School App
3 Apr 2024

Kia Ora Koutou,

We are delighted to launch our new communication and reporting system, Hero. 

Hero allows schools to build an online environment that reflects our unique context. It enables teachers, students, and families to view content anytime, anywhere on any device. The software is secure, easy to use and brings together all school-related information in one place. 

We are excited about the features that Hero has to offer families. These include the ability for parents and caregivers to

·         read posts relating to your child’s learning

·         view information on your child’s progress and goals

·         read school notices sent to the class or groups your child is part of

·         respond to school notices such as surveys and trip permission requests

·         view school term dates

·         view a school calendar of events

·         notify the school if your child is absent or late

·         navigate to other school-related webpages

·         customise your account by adding a profile image

·         select how you wish to receive notifications

Over the upcoming year, staff will be posting various content to our Hero software and we are looking forward to sharing this with you.

Reporting to parents will be done using the HERO software/app.

Initially, we will continue to use email, Skool Loop and Facebook for communication but will transition to using Hero for all communication over the next couple of months.

Please go to your App Store and download the free Hero app (see attached brochure for details). You must use the same email address you have provided to the school to set up your account.

For information about Hero including how to log in, see the attachments on this message, go to http://our-hero.com or contact Kate in the office.

Ngā mihi,

Rodney Montford


What's Happening at GMS - Term 1 Week 9 / TODAY
25 Mar 2024

This week at GMS: 

  • TODAY: The Ngaruawahia bus will do one trip only:   Te Puroa Road 12.40, Clarke Road - 12.45, Dairy - 12.50, Turangawaewae House - 12.50-55, Old Taupiri Road - 12.55 (all approximate times).
  • There is no Waingaro Road/Pukemiro Bus or After School Care this afternoon due the 12.30pm finish.
  • Hot cross buns will be available for collection from 12-12.30pm. Change of collection point - please go to Room 6 (this is between the hall and Room 3, opposite the toilet block). If your child won't be on the bus because you are collecting your order, please let me know.
  • Wednesday 27th - Lucky Book club orders due. Drop your paper form at the office or order online at https://mybookclub.scholastic.co.nz/Parent/Login.aspx
  • Friday 29th - Good Friday. School is closed, we reopen on Wednesday April 3rd.

Any patai, let us know.  Kia pai tō koutou rā.

School Pool Closed
22 Mar 2024

Kia Ora,

Due to the temperature drop, we have now closed the school pool for the season. Thank you to everyone for your support and a massive thanks to all the volunteers who helped keep it going over the summer. Without you, we couldn't open it up to the community - ngā mihi nui.

We'll let you know when it will be opening for the 2024/25 summer season.

Ngā mihi,

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

New World Ngaruawahia Kip McGrath Hamilton West Lifestyle Physiotherapy Ngaruawahia Fresh Choice Ngāruawāhia Blanchett Building & Co Ngaruawahia Electrical The Legal Stuff Skin Scan Clinic IT Fox Solutions V Dub Shoppe Ltd NZ Grazing company Meg Daly - Harcourts Ngaruawahia Roberts Pharmacy Ngaruawahia
QR code for downloading the app

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Get the Skool Loop - School App

Download our Skool Loop App, a simple and free download. In Google Play & App Store search ‘Skool Loop’ and choose our school once installed.

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